Thanks for sharing, it's time people were reminded that there are 9 protected characteristics and identity isn't in any of them.

This behaviour peaked my horror in this shit show faster than anything else could, this cause they perceive is an just outlet for hatred, it's the way that (mostly) men can bully, threaten and ostracize women and still square it with themselves that they are the good people. I did the Freedom Program once so that I could learn to see a manipulative controlling bully, when there was one in front of me and I can see that this behaviour is 'look what you made me do' on a grand scale.

I'm so fucking angry that our institutions instead of calling this out, cower to it and support it. More power to you for calling it out in the open.

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Thank you for standing tall. So glad you have joined with all the other brave women who speak up so bravely . We with smaller voices are still here, posting stickers, talking to people while walking the dog or standing at the school gate, informing others of the dangers of trans extremists. We are here and proud to stand with you Thank you

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A very well composed and powerful piece Aja. I struggle to see the difference and reckon a lot of people, decent people, will feel the same way. Thank you for speaking out.

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Fantastic letter. The reflection on the visceral hatred you received in the past and again now was chilling. I could feel it. It is such a telling point.

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100% support you, Aja Dinosaurus!! They don't give 2 hoots about other protected characteristics. Yeh, let's paint zebra crossings in the trans flag colours, who gives a shit for anyone with a Guide Dog.

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Well said. A good, strong and passionate repose. Thing need to change for you and others, and very soon.

SW have so much to answer for. A formerly noble and admirable organisation, now turned into a bloated, stumbling, dangerously misguided, ideological behemoth, now enemies of many of those for whom they were founded to represent, and to protect in life and law.

Their insidious tendrils of political and social division must be cut off at the body as soon as possible, before it is too late.

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100%. The internet is a really scary place for young homosexuals (such as myself), to exist freely and with truth. If I say anything against the gender ideology, I am immediately "fake gay", or "a f*cking TERF". I'm so happy that there are others like me out there. Thanks for sharing.

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Excellent letter. The ridiculous homophobia that is now rampant in the current ideology is horrifying, and I'm sorry you had to experience that hatred coming at you again.

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Brilliant! Would love to see the response when you get one.

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Great letter! Thanks for all your good work and bravery - and your songs and poems, which I've seen on Twitter. Sending best wishes and admiration from from the USA.

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Brilliant letter. It should be forwarded to every MP at Westminster.

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Amazing! I do hope you get a positive reply

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Amazing, very well written. Hope you get a positive respons

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Brilliant 👏 👏

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